Template Pages

Change the design of your Product Option Pop Up Window

Purpose: This template will display a popup with help information pertaining to a specific option. You can specify a help popup for every “option” in a product. The content is defined by going to the Info button of a specific option.

Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.

For example:

    <!--START: LINKPART-->
    <!--END: LINKPART-->
    <!--START: INFOPART-->
    <!--END: INFOPART-->

Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.

Note: This template contains a commented out area for style information which can be edited to give the help popup info its own look, if desired.

  • [OPTION_NAME] - Inserts the respective Option's Name information.
  • [URL] - If the Option Info is provided via a URL, this variable will insert the URL.
  • [HELPINFO] - If the Option Info is written directly into the Option's INFO field, this variable will insert the information.

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Screenshot of the helppopup.html Template