Template Pages

Change the design of your Manufacturers List Page

Purpose: This is the page that displays when clicking on the "View Details" link for purchased Gift Certificates

Note: This page only appears for shoppers who have purchased a gift certificate and it allows them to view details on the purcased gift certificate. Typically this page is used by shoppers who have purchased a gift certificate for someone else.

This page is not to be confused with the Gift Certificate Balance page (gc_balance.html) which is typically intended for the recipient of a Gift Certificate to check their Gift Certificate balance(s).

Think of our Code Blocks as code includes within your HTML document. For example, if you wanted to add a breadcrumb to your page, you need the breadcrumb codeblock, plus the necessary variables inside that codeblock.

For example:

      <!--START: myAccount-->
      <!--END: myAccount-->
      <!--START: gc-->
        <!--START: gcNoDetails-->
        <!--END: gcNoDetails-->
        <!--START: gcDetails-->
        <!--END: gcDetails-->
        <!--START: gcTotal-->
        <!--END: gcTotal-->
      <!--END: gc-->

Codeblocks and its variables will only work in specific pages.

Think of our Codeblocks as code includes within your HTML document. For example, if you wanted to add a breadcrumb to your page, you need the breadcrumb codeblock, plus the necessary variables inside that codeblock.

  • [giftcertificate_details-detail] - Displays the Title of the "Gift Certificate Details" header of the page. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [giftcertificate_details-header-date] - Displays the title of the "Date" column. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [giftcertificate_details-header-code] - Displays the title of the "Code" column. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [giftcertificate_details-header-amount] - Displays the title of the "Amount" column. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [giftcertificate_details-header-balance] - Displays the title of the "Balance" column. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [giftcertificate_details-header-to] - Displays the title of the "To" column. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [giftcertificate_details-header-message] - Displays the title of the "Message" column. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [giftcertificate_details-nodetails] - Displays text reading No gift certificate history" if the customer has no purchased Gift Certificates to show. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [certificate_date] - Inserts the date the Gift Certificate was purchased/created
  • [certificate_name] - Inserts the gift certificate Code
  • [certificate_amount] - Inserts the Amount of the gift certificate
  • [certificate_balance] - Inserts the remaining balance left on the Gift Certificate
  • [gc_toname] - Inserts the name of the Gift Certificate recipient
  • [gc_toemail] - Inserts the email of the Gift Certificate recipient
  • [gc_tomessage] - Inserts the message written to the Gift Certificate recipient
  • [account_gift-certificate-total-purchased] - Displays the title of the "Total Purchased" field. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [total_gc] - Inserts the number of certificates purchased by the shopper
  • [account_gift-certificate-total-amount] - Displays the title of the "Total Amount" field. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [total_gcamount] - Inserts the monetary record of certificates purchased by the shopper

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Screenshot of the gc_view.html Template