Template Pages

Change the design of your Database Feed Pages

Purpose: Displays the details of a database feed after its "More Info" link is clicked.

Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.

For example:

      <!--START: PREVFEED-->
      <!--END: PREVFEED-->
      <!--START: NEXTFEED-->
      <!--END: NEXTFEED-->
      <!--START: feed_author-->
      <!--END: feed_author-->
    <!--END: BODY_HEADER-->
    <!--START: feed_additionalfield1-->
    <!--END: feed_additionalfield1-->
    <!--START: feed_additionalfield2-->
    <!--END: feed_additionalfield2-->
    <!--START: feed_additionalfield3-->
    <!--END: feed_additionalfield3-->
    <!--START: feed_additionalfield4-->
    <!--END: feed_additionalfield4-->
    <!--START: feed_additionalfield5-->
    <!--END: feed_additionalfield5-->
    <!--START: PREVFEED-->
    <!--END: PREVFEED-->
    <!--START: NEXTFEED-->
    <!--END: NEXTFEED-->

Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.

Think of our Codeblocks as code includes within your HTML document. For example, if you wanted to add a breadcrumb to your page, you need the breadcrumb codeblock, plus the necessary variables inside that codeblock.

  • [PAGE_FULLLINE] - Display's the Page's navigation Breadcrumb
  • [prevlink] - Used by the Software to provide a link to the previous Database Feed item.
  • [prevtitle] - Inserts the Previous Title's name into the link name.
  • [nextlink] - Used by the Software to provide a link to the next Database Feed item.
  • [nexttitle] - Inserts the Next Title's name into the link name.
  • [feed_title] - Inserts the Currently Viewed item's Title
  • [feed_created] - Inserts the Feed Title's Creation date.
  • [feed_author] - Inserts the Feed Title's Author information.
  • [feed_description] - Inserts the Feed's Message information.
  • [feed_additionalfield1] - Adds the Feed item's "Additional Field 1" information.
  • [feed_additionalfield2] - Adds the Feed item's "Additional Field 2" information.
  • [feed_additionalfield3] - Adds the Feed item's "Additional Field 3" information.
  • [feed_additionalfield4] - Adds the Feed item's "Additional Field 4" information.
  • [feed_additionalfield5] - Adds the Feed item's "Additional Field 5" information.

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Screenshot of the feed_detail.html Template