Template Pages

Change the design of your Built-In Blog

Purpose: This HTML template defines the layout of the built-in blog feature.

Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.

For example:

<!--START: blog_post--> 
    <!--END: POST_CATEGORY-->  
    <!--START: read-more-->  
    <!--END: read-more-->  
    <!--START: blog_comments-->  
    <!--END: blog_comments-->  
    <!--START: blog_comments_list-->   
        <!--START: comments-->   
        <!--END: comments-->   
    <!--END: blog_comments_list-->   
    <!--START: blog_add_comments-->   
    <!--END: blog_add_comments-->   
    <!--START: blog_comments-->   
    <!--END: blog_comments-->   
<!--END: blog_post-->   
<!--START: blog_topnav-->   
<!--END: blog_topnav-->   
<!--START: categories_block-->   
    <!--START: categories-->   
    <!--END: categories-->   
<!--END: categories_block-->   
<!--START: posts_block-->   
    <!--START: posts-->   
    <!--END: posts-->   
<!--END: posts_block-->   
<!--START: archives_block-->   
    <!--START: archives-->   
	<!--END: archives-->   
<!--END: archives_block-->   
<!--START: blog_bottomnav-->   
<!--END: blog_bottomnav-->  

Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.

  • [subject] - This will display the Blog Article's respective Title
  • [post_author] - When creating a blog posting, the author of the article is added to the interface. This variable inserts the author's name.
  • [post_date] - When creating a blog article, the date of the article is added to the interface. This variable inserts the article's date.
  • [post_category_name] - When the article is assigned to a category, this variable inserts the category's name.
  • [post] - This variable inserts the article's posting. (Note: the variable will display the short post during preview, while the Post Content is inserted on the Article detail page.
  • [product_social-bookmarking] - If Social Bookmarking (SocialCommerce ->Social Bookmarking) is enabled on the store, this variable will dynamically insert the Social Bookmarking icons.
  • [blog_read-more] - While viewiong the blog preview page, this variable will display the text linking your viewers to the article details page. Default is "Read More." (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [numcomments] - If commenting is allowed on blog posts, this variable will insert the number of comments associated with each post on the preview page.
  • [blog_total-comments] - Displays the Title of the short post's "Comments" label. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [blog_comments-header] - When viewing the full blog post, this variable displays the Title of the comments section. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [name] - When a comment is submitted, this variable will list the commenter's name as entered in the comment form.
  • [blog_comments-date] - Displays the Title of the date section. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [datentime] - Inserts the date of the commenter's post.
  • [comment] - Inserts the content of the commenter's post.
  • [blog_comments-addcomment] - Displays the Title of the "Add Comment" section. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [blog_comments-name] - Displays the Title of the Add Comment "Name" field. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [blog_comments-email] - Displays the Title of the Add Comment "Email" field. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [email] - Displays the input field that captures the commenter's email address.
  • [blog_comments-body] - Displays the Title of the Add Comment "Body" field. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [blog_comments-submit] - Displays the Title of the Add Comment "Submit" Button. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [blog_topnav] - This variable inserts the content of the blog's Top Navigation Banner. (See SocialCommerce ->Blog ->Blog Settings.)
  • [blog_home] - Displays the Title of the Blog Navigation's "Home" link. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [blog_categories] - Displays the Title of the Blog Navigation's "Categories" section. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [categorylabel] - Inserts the Blog categories.
  • [blog_recentposts] - Displays the Title of the Blog Navigation's "Recent Posts" section. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [postlabel] - Inserts the recent blog posting titles.
  • [blog_archives] - Displays the Title of the Blog Navigation's "Archives" section. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [archivelabel] - Inserts the Archive labels (Format will be Month/yyyy)
  • [blog_bottomnav] - This variable inserts the content of the blog's Bottom Navigation Banner. (See SocialCommerce ->Blog ->Blog Settings.)

These next few Variables will be present within form action elements like submit buttons. Typically you'll want to keep the scripting for these variables intact.

  • [pagename]
  • [post_category_link]
  • [categorylink]
  • [postlink]
  • [archivelink]
  • [id]
  • [idenc]

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Screenshot of the blog.html Template