Template Pages

Change the design of your Search Pages

Purpose: This is the template that appears when a search is performed on the site. It will provide a listing of results based on the keyword(s) used during the search.

Notes: The template contains certain blocks that are dependent on whether the store is set to enable search results for additional pages and categories. More information on this will be contained in the Variables listing of this page.

Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.

For example:

    <!--END: BODY_HEADER-->
    <!--END: SEARCH_PAGES-->
    <!--START: SEARCH_BAR-->
    <!--START: sortbylist-->
    <!--END: sortbylist-->
    <!--END: SEARCH_BAR-->
    <!--START: NO_RESULTS-->
    <!--END: NO_RESULTS-->
    <!--START: PAGING-->
    <!--START: PREV-->
    <!--END: PREV-->
    <!--START: PAGES-->
    <!--START: FIRST_PAGE-->
    <!--END: FIRST_PAGE-->
    <!--START: LAST_PAGE-->
    <!--END: LAST_PAGE-->
    <!--END: PAGES-->
    <!--START: NEXT-->
    <!--END: NEXT-->
    <!--END: PAGING-->
    <!--start right col-->
    <!--START: categories-->
    <!--END: categories-->
    <!--START: product_availability-->
    <!--END: product_availability-->
    <!--START: freeshippingblock-->
    <!--END: freeshippingblock-->
    <!--START: price2-->
    <!--START: SAVINGS-->
    <!--END: SAVINGS-->
    <!--END: price2-->
    <!--END: ITEMPRICE-->
    <!--END: SALEPRICE-->
    <!--START: product_review-->
    <!--START: product_review_average-->
    <!--END: product_review_average-->
    <!--END: product_review-->
    <!--START: addtocart-->
    <!--END: addtocart-->
    <!--end right col-->
    <!--START: PAGING-->
    <!--START: PREV-->
    <!--END: PREV-->
    <!--START: PAGES-->
    <!--START: FIRST_PAGE-->
    <!--END: FIRST_PAGE-->
    <!--START: LAST_PAGE-->
    <!--END: LAST_PAGE-->
    <!--END: PAGES-->
    <!--START: NEXT-->
    <!--END: NEXT-->
    <!--END: PAGING-->

Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.

Note: Several of these variables are used in multiple places on the page, with their dynamic content controlled by the code block used in each instance.

  • [frame_breadcrumb-home] - Displays the Title of the Top Level Breadcrum which leads the visitor back to the home page. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [keyword] - Inserts the keyword used on the search as the trailing breacrumb.
  • [keyword_search] - Used by the Software to reference the keyword used in the "More Results" link if the search results generate mutliple page listings.
  • [Search_header] - Displays the Title of the "Search Results" listing. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [productnumber] - Inserts the number of relevent products found based on the keyword search.
  • [sortbylist] - Inserts and references the result page's "Sort By" drop down menu.
  • [Search_no-results] - If no results are found, this message is displayed. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [category_moreresults] - Displays the Title of the "More Results" link if product search results paginate. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [prev] - Used by the Software to generate the "Previous" page links.
  • [category_previouspage] - Displays the Title of the "Previous Page" link. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [PAGE] - Used by the Software to insert the applicable page numbers to the links.
  • [next] - Used by the Software to generate the "Next" page links.
  • [category_nextpage] - Displays the Title of the "Next Page" link. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [catalogid] - Used by the Software to reference the relevent search result product database IDs.
  • [THUMBNAIL] - Inserts the Product's thumbnail in to the search results page.
  • [name] - Inserts the name of the product on the search result page.
  • [categories] - Inserts the result Product's respective Parent Category on the result listing.
  • [description] - Inserts the Product's short description for the search result listing.
  • [product_Header-availability] - Displays the Title of the Search listing's "Availability" heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [availability] - Inserts the Product's current availability for the search result listing.
  • [freeshipping] - If the search result Product has Free Shipping on it, this variable will insert the "Free Shipping"logo. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [product_retailprice] - Displays the Title of the Search listing's "Retail Price" heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [price2] - Inserts the Product's Retail Price for the search result listing.
  • [product_savings] - Displays the Title of the Search listing's "Your Savings" heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [savings] - Inserts the difference of the Product's Retail Price minus the selling price for the search result listing.
  • [product_yourprice] - Displays the Title of the Search listing's "Your Price" heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [ITEMPRICE] - Inserts the Product's Selling Price.
  • [product_onsale] - If the item is on sale, this variable displays the Title of the Search listing's "On Sale" heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [ITEMSALEPRICE] - Inserts the Product's On Sale Price.
  • [review_average] - Inserts the Product Avereage review rating
  • [review_count] - Inserts the number of reviews on the item.
  • [product_addtocart] - Displays the Title of the "Add to Cart" link/button on the Search Results page.

The following Variables will come into play if store is set to allow Search Results to be made for regular Page content searches. This setting can be enabled in the store's Settings ->General ->Store Settings. The following Variables will be listed within the "SEARCH_PAGES" code blocks.

  • [Search_Header-pages] - Inserts the Title of the "Page Results" heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [page_link] - Used by the Software to insert the relevent link references to the items found.
  • [page_name] - Inserts the relevent page's name.
  • [Search_pages-moreresults] - Displays the Title of the "More Results" link for Page Results. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)

These next Variables will come into play if store is set to allow Search Results to be made for Category content searches. This setting can be enabled in the store's Settings ->General ->Store Settings. The following Variables will be listed within the "SEARCH_CATEGORIES" code blocks.


  • [Search_Header-categories] - Inserts the Title of the "Category Results" heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [sortby] - Used by the Software to build the category listing search results.
  • [thiscatid] - Inserts the Category ID into the appropriate reference.
  • [cat_items] - Inserts the number of items residing in the resulting category.
  • [catid] - When clicking on the Category Search Results, the keyword used is search for again showing only results for that category. This variable inserts the Category ID into the generated link.
  • [CATEGORY_FULLLINE] - If the Search Results for a specific Category are viewed, this variable will insert the breadcrumb of the category (i.e "X matches found in category >sub-category")

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Screenshot of the search.html Template